Cornish Chillies
Location Truro United Kingdom Product category Condiments & Sauces
Our story
We began in 2016 with a few hundred plants and now have almost 6000 plants growing over 50 varieties of chillies, ranging from almost heatless to the hottest chillies in the world.

We grow all our chillies using only organic methods and almost all the plants we grow are propagated from our own chilli seeds, which ensures our carbon footprint is kept low. We have carefully selected our chillies based on heat, flavour and culinary use.

From these chillies we also make all our chilli sauces, jams and chutneys. Each product has a different heat level and its own distinct flavour, and are a...
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Taste of the West Silver Award Winner 2021
Taste of the West Award
About Us
Scott Hall Message maker
We are chilli farm based in the heart of Cornwall when husband and wife team Scott and Sue started Cornish Chillies ltd in 2016 . In that time the business expended from a few hundred to over 6000 plants, covering over 50 varieties of chillies ranging from almost heatless to the hottest chillies in the world! We work with many fabulous local and national restaurants, independent food suppliers and sauce making companies across the UK which includes the Mexican Embassy in London and the Eden Project in Cornwall.

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