Also known as The Original Flask Milk Tea ™, CHA DONG was launched in August 2021 after, having lived abroad in both the UK and Australia, we noticed a lack of good quality, authentic tasting Hong Kong style milk tea.
Following months of trials in our home kitchen, including designing our own branding and developing our own tea blends, the business was born. Today, we are now based in the heart of New Covent Garden Market amongst a thriving food community, brewing our tea daily and delivering this fresh to our customers across London and the UK.
We brew our tea the traditional way, using a process recognised by UNESCO as a Cultural Intangible Asset of Hong Kong. This results in a tea which is rich and aromatic yet smooth on a palate - often recognisable by it's distinct shade of terracotta.
Consumed either chilled or warmed, we are proud to share Hong Kong's most popular beverage with the UK.
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