The Berry One is a mix of natures most powerful superfood berries cleanses your cells, improves your skin and prevents disease.
150g | 30 servings
About Healthful Superfoods
Warrington, United Kingdom
I’m Monique the founder of Healthful, dedicated superfoodie since 2012. In 1997 I attended culinary school in the Netherlands as I’ve always had a big love for food and cooking. Fast forward to 2019 now I have 3 children and I got ill a lot! Colds, coughs, flus, sinus infections, always tired and I had enough. When modern medicine failed to keep me healthy, I then started researching alternative ways to get healthy, and that is how I came across the wondrous world of superfoods. I started creating mixes that I could easily incorporate to my daily routine, share them with my family, my children and my friends and soon I had a little following. Now I want to share my experience and research with you. I have teamed up with my sister in law Emma, who is studying Nutrition at the university of West London. I have completed a study on the science of ayurveda. Our product will resemble our combined knowledge and passion for superfoods.