Location London United Kingdom Product category Ingredients and Drinks
Our story
We know how hard it can be to introduce a healthy spin to baking – finding the right ingredients is tricky and expensive, and all those unused specialty ingredients can take up some serious space in your kitchen!

With that in mind (and an untameable sweet tooth), we started wiskit: deliciously nutritious kits that you can whisk up in minutes. We provide good ingredients in good measure, for modern bakers who want to feel confident and in control of what they put in their body.

Born of a true love for snacks and carefully designed by nutritionists and bakers, each kit combines a variety...
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About Us
Stephanie Kallergi Message maker
We provide good ingredients in good measure, for modern bakers who want to feel confident and in control of what they put in their body.

Born of a true love for snacks and carefully designed by nutritionists and bakers, each kit combines a variety of flours, nuts and seeds, and leaves the refined sugar out. We’re super proud of our ingredients and separate them out in to home-compostable sachets so that you can know exactly what’s going into each of your delicious snacks.

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